Youbesh Dhaubhadel

About Me

Youbesh Dhaubhadel

Youbesh Dhaubhadel is a multidisciplinary emerging photographer who is an avid explorer and also known as “Firantayy” meaning unbound traveler. Hailing from the land of the devotees, the cultural capital of Nepal, where myths are inches away from reality and where gods and demons come to life. In the delicate dance between emotions, liveliness, and stillness, his lens captures the ephemeral moments that often go unnoticed in the rush of festivities in the Kathmandu Valley. 

Similarly, he puts on multiple hats as a student of life. He is an MIT Innovation and Leadership Bootcamp Alum and Watson Scholar who has spent some time learning and practicing the fundamentals of social entrepreneurship. He is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Economics and Finance at the University of Idaho. He had been part of one of the reality TV shows producing documentaries to promote tourism in Nepal called Imagine Nepal and demonstrated commendable leadership attributes as production manager for Team Kishor Kayastha representing Lumbini Province documenting 7 different genres of documentaries to be telecasted in national television in Nepal. His photography seeks to immortalize the fleeting instances that often escape notice amidst the fervor of celebration, capturing the essence of what it means to live within this vibrant cultural milieu. Dhaubhadel has been one of the young members to promote and flourish the Toastmasters movement in Nepal; starting at the age of 18, demonstrating exceptional leadership skills and aiding in mentoring several members and clubs in Kathmandu. His interests span from entrepreneurship, business, economics, investment and finance to photography and multimedia. He is an open book, a very keen learner at the core and an explorer who doesn’t set boundaries for learning and seeks to excel in every avenue he sets his foot transcending boundaries.